Connect back with the wisdom of your body and come back to who you truly are

Sky Wisdom Sessions​ – Not Live right now

So often we look outside of ourselves for answers, but the transformation I invite you into is one of deep inner knowing. Through the lens of Astrology and the Gene Keys we bring light to our shadows and the hidden places inside. We are used to walking away from these places inside ourselves and push them away, creating patterns and ways of being that take us away from who we truly are. When we find the courage to face our fears and hold space for our pain, we can step by step unhook ourselves from these patterns and get to understand who we truly are and what our place is in this world. It is through the mirror of the sky that we are guided back inside where we can find our answers and where this transformation can truly unfold.

Single session

In a single session we will discuss the most important patterns in your chart and how they have played a role in your life. Depending on how many questions you have and how deep you want to go, it is also possible to book follow up sessions.


The coaching container consists of one session every other week and (voxer (similar to WhatsApp)) support in between for 3 or 6 months. The first session will be the same as a single chart session in which we dive into your chart and we can discuss the main themes. The following sessions we can dive deeper into these themes and look at current transits of the planets and how they play a role in your life.

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Hi dear soul!
This site is currently under construction. If you are still curious to how my work can help you, then fill free to fill out the intake form below and I will be in touch with you for a free intake call.

Stepping through portals – not live right now

In the work that I do, I combine two very extensive wisdom teachings. One very old, one very new. Yet when combined together, they create a depth of wisdom that creates deep and profound transformations.

Astrology is an ancient old system, used by many different cultures throughout thousands of years. Its a system in which we look up to the sky to tap into the energy of the planets and the stars for guidance and through understanding the placements of the planets in the sky, we can start to look at our life through a new lens and open up deeper layers of ourselves.

Gene Keys is a synthesis of different other systems and yet, it is a whole new wisdom teaching on its own. Gene Keys rests on the knowledge that deep in our cells and DNA there are parts of ourselves laying dormant. Waiting for us to be discovered. Through bringing our attention to different aspects of our consciousness (the 64 keys) we tap into those aspects within our DNA and start a process of transformation that awakens the deepest essence of ourselves.

It is the combination of these two systems that allows you to tap into deep hidden places within yourself and unlock the potential of these parts of yourself. To start to open your heart and live life with open arms. To learn to embrace every moment and live life fully. It is this kind of life that I want to invite you into.

About Eva

My name is Eva Maaike and through the means of bodywork, astrology and the gene keys I invite people on a journey back into their heart.

I believe that in every moment in life we have the opportunity to go inside and choose to live our lives from a place of fear, to hold ourselves back, or to open up our heart and share who we really are with the world. When we tap into our own inner strength, we find the courage to embrace our fears and connect back with who we truly are.
For me it is a true joy to see someone open up to who they are deep inside. To see them open up to the opportunities that arise when they do. To see them relax into their body and being and find a flow and ease.
I feel deeply called to help people face their fears and embrace all parts of themselves. It is then that they get to express themselves fully and live their life to the fullest.

When you fully surrender, let life penetrate you and embrace it all, then life can come pouring in and you can live it to the fullest​

The transformation that I invite you into is getting back to a deep trust that comes from following your inner rhythm. A trust that comes from getting to know yourself on a very deep level and embracing all parts of you. A trust that allows courage to rise not from being fearless, not even from acting despite of our fears, but from deeply knowing our fears and the strength that we find in ourselves as we face and embrace our fears. The goal is not to reach for something outside of yourself, but to sink more into your being, so that all of you can be present and you can live your life fully. Being who you came here to be and doing what you came here to do.

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